The Primacy of the Gospel Committee is initially concerned whether or not Scripture supports the 1888 views. However, since the Spirit of Prophecy is "the lesser light" that directs us to "the greater Light," to see what Ellen White said about Waggoner's view may encourage us to view Bible teaching from a fresh perspective.
When Jones and Waggoner as editors of the Signs began in the 1880s to publish a view of Galatians different from that of the Battle Creek brethren, the latter were alarmed. Ellen White rebuked the two young men for not conferring first with church leadership (but when she later heard them in person she thanked Heaven for what they were saying!). As the controversy escalated, in 1886 the General Conference president published a book that castigated Waggoner for over-emphasizing "the much vaunted doctrine of justification by faith. Ellen White defended the latter's right to reply as publicly, and conceded that open discussion at the forthcoming Session was inevitable (ironically, we have Butler to thank for the "Minneapolis message"!). It was when she heard Waggoner there that she responded with enthusiasm: "Every fiber of my heart said amen," "precious truths ... that I could respond to with all my heart."
The covenants problem was closely related to "the law in Galatians" because the function of the law "spoken" at Sinai was involved. Finally, in 1896 she spoke in favor of the Waggoner/Jones view (still later she said "both" laws were meant). However, she never endorsed the opposition view of the covenants (unless two 1904 statements do); rather, she said the opposing brethren were wasting their time. Her position in Patriarchs and Prophets was so much in harmony with the Jones/Waggoner view that one E. P. Dexter writing from the Kansas Tract Society in 1891 politely questioned her if she really meant what she wrote there as it "is substantially the position taken by Bro. A. T. Jones at the ministers' institute, Battle Creek, 1888-89 ... [A] want of harmony was exposed in the [1890] lessons ... " In Patriarchs and Prophets she had labeled as the "terms of the old covenant" the "obey and live" philosophy so popular among Adventists then and now (p. 372).
The wording of Ellen White's 1890 endorsements is as follows:
Since I made the statement last Sabbath that the view of the covenants as it had been taught by Brother Waggoner was truth, it seems that great relief has come to many minds. ... I thought it time to take my position, and I am glad that the Lord urged me to give the testimony that I did (Letter 30, March 10, 1890; The Ellen G. While 1888 Materials, p. 623).
Now I tell you here before God, that the covenant question, as it has been presented, is the truth. It is the light. In clear lines it has been laid before me. And those that have been resisting the light, I ask you whether they have been working for God, or for the devil. It is the clear light of heaven, and it means much to us (MS 4, 1890; ibid., pp. 596, 597).
Night before last, the Lord opened many things to my mind. It was plainly revealed what your influence [Uriah Smith] has been, what it was in Minneapolis. ... ever since that meeting I have known that you were deceived and deceiving others ... as did Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.... You have strengthened the hands and minds of such men as Larson, Porter, Dan Jones, Eldridge, and Morrison and Nicola and a vast number through them. All quote you, and the enemy of righteousness looks on pleased. ... Consider how many joined Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, ... men of renown in the tribes of Israel. ... Night before last I was shown that evidences in regard to the covenants were clear and convincing. Yourself, Brother Dan Jones, Brother Porter and others are spending your investigative powers for nought to produce a position on the covenants to vary from the position that Brother Waggoner has presented. ... The covenant question is a clear question and would be received by every candid, unprejudiced mind, but I was brought where the Lord gave me an insight into this matter. You have turned from plain light because you were afraid that the law question in Galatians would have to be accepted (Letter 59, March 8, 1890; ibid., pp. 599-604).
I told them yesterday that the position of the covenants I believed as presented in my Volume 1 [Patriarchs and Prophets], if that was Dr. Waggoner's position then he had the truth (Letter 82, 1890: ibid., p. 617).