What Is the 1888 Message? Is It Biblical?

Appendix B - Chapter 9

The fruits of corporate and denominational repentance

Recognizing depth of our corporate guilt brings higher appreciation for dimensions of Christ's redemptive love [agape] (Ephesians 3:14-21).

Our denominational experience as a corporate "body of soul-winning love for others (or "caring") is proportionate to our comprehending the extent of Christ's forgiving us (Luke 7:47; John 13:34).

For what has He forgiven us? Crucifying Him (Romans 3:23-26).

Sin never truly removed (aphesis) unless repented of understandably, intelligently. Involves experience of justification by faith beyond common Evangelicals' concept, but as the Lord sent it to us in 1888.

"In Christ" idea of justification effected at the cross for "all men" liberates from self-centeredness, to participate in Christ's last ministry for sinners.

Possible only in light of Day of Atonement, most holy place, high priestly, ministry.

Calvinist and Arminian concepts of the atonement transcended by the 1888 "most precious" light.

"What shall we do?" question should be, "What shall we believe?" Then the "doing" will follow.

Coming: an unprecedented, worldwide, appreciation of Christ's sacrifice for "all men" (Revelation 18:1-4; COL 419).

Result: unprecedented drawing of "all men" and soul-winning (Isaiah 49:13-26; 60; Zechariah 8:20, 21; John 12:32, 33).

The church as a body becomes extension of Christ's power to redeem lost people (John 13:35; CC 612). Possessed of such a message, each individual can't help but become a messenger. Current history gives some evidence.

Achieved not by hierarchical pressure but by clearer concepts of the gospel.

When such a message reaches people, the honest-hearted will respond.

"Few great men" involved. Each one who cherishes message becomes a personal soul-winner like Jesus at Jacob's well. The message motivates, not promotional technique nor equipment.

Thus corporate repentance prepares church body to receive, nurture, and hold God's "My people" who are now in "Babylon" (Revelation 18:4; cf. 6T 371; 4T 68).