The Word Was Made Flesh
. Foreword
1. What Was Made Flesh?
2. The Circumstances of the Search
3. The Purpose and Scope of This Paper
4. Principles and Procedures: The Categories of Evidence
5. A Bible-Based Christology
6. Definition of Terms: Usages Peculiar to Ellen White - "White-isms"
7. A Word Study: Passions and Propensities in the Writings of Ellen White
8. An Explanation: The Baker Letter
9. 1852-1894 The Period Before the Baker Letter
10. 1886-1904 Special Section: Bible Echo
11. 1895-1896 The Immediate Context of the Baker Letter
12. 1897-1915 The Period After the Baker Letter
13. 1916-1952 The Afterglow of Clarity and Unity
14. Reflection: How Many Ways Could She Say It?
15. July 10, 1952 and July 17, 1952 - An Editorial in the Review and Herald
16. September, 1956 and April, 1957 - Articles in Ministry Magazine
17. 1957 - Questions on Doctrine and The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary
18. The New Christological Pronouncement: An Examination of Sources
19. The New Christological Pronouncement: An Analysis of Evidence
20. Conclusion: An Unsound Methodology Has Led to Invalid Interpretations - An Offer of Reward
21. The Unavoidable Linkage Between the Nature of Christ and the Saving Work of Christ
22. The Increasing Tension - Something Has to Give
23. How Shall We Understand?
24. What Shall We Do Now?
. Epilogue
A. The Actual Text of the Baker Letter
B. An Analysis of the Baker Letter
C. Augustine's Doctrine of Original Sin
D. I Alone - The Predicament of Paul in Romans 7