Historical Necessity of the Third Angel's Message

  1. Beginning of the Reformation

  2. Justification by Faith

  3. The Lord's Supper

  4. Fanaticism

  5. A Difference of Opinion

  6. Melancthon Proposes Unity

  7. Calvin Proposes Unity

  8. The Interim: More Division

  9. The Rise of Scholasticism

10. Controversy Over Good Works

11. Synergistical Controversy

12. Controversy Over the Human Mind

13. Reconciliation at Altenburg Fails

14. "Form of Concord" Brings Discord

15. Calvinism Brings in New Disputes

16. All United Against the Anabaptists

17. England: Conformists and Non Conformists

18. Controversy Over Bishops

19. Controversy Over Sabbath

20. Thomas Cartwright’s Extreme Views Divide

21. The Rise of Independents

22. Philosophical Controversies

23. Liberty for Calvinists Troubles the Lutherans

24. Attempts to Bring Harmony

25. The Pietistical Controversy

26. Calvinist Controversy Over the "Divine Decrees"

27. Arminian Controversy

28. Controversy Between Episcopalians and Puritans

29. Tumult Over the Quakers

30. The Rise of Atheism

31. Trinitarian Controversy

32. The Wesleyan Revival

33. Second Advent Revival

34. A System of Morality Needed

35. A Reformation Based on Morality

36. The Third Angel's Message