Studies in Christian Education
. Foreword
1. Beginning of the Educational History in the United States
2. History of Educational Reform Prior to 1844
3. The Place of the Bible in Education
4. Ancient and Modern Worldly Classics
5. Elective Courses of Study and Degrees
6. Emulation, Honors and Prizes
7. Reforms in Diet
8. The Proper Location for Schools and Country Life for Students
9. Simplicity in Buildings
10. Manual Training and the Practical in Education
11. Manual Labor Displaced by Athletics, Sports and Games
12. Student Self-Government and Christian Democracy
13. Training Missionaries to be Self-Supporting — A Laymen’s Missionary Movement
14. Selecting and Training Teachers
15. Some Educational Experiences of Seventh-day Adventists
16. Educational Principles
17. Practical Subjects for the Curriculum
A. Encourage the Workers
B. The Search for a Site
C. The Purchase of a Property
D. A Country Sanitarium
E. Laboring in Unity and in Faith
F. Letter to a Conference President
G. Letter to the Southern Union Conference Committee
H. A Missionary Education
I. An Appeal for the Madison School
J. The Work of the Madison School
K. Words of Encouragement to Self-supporting Workers
L. Recent Instruction Concerning Schools in the South
M. Concerning the Southern Work
N. Pointed Sentences From Older Testimonies
O. Letter of A. W. Spalding