A Comparison of Three Contrasting Views

   . Note to the Reader

  1. Motivation

  2. Love

  3. Faith

  4. Self-worth

  5. Who are justified?

  6. Gospel

  7. God's acceptance

  8. Hell

  9. Forgiveness

10. Hard To Be Saved?

11. Way of Evangelising

12. An offer or a Gift

13. Justification

14. Propitiation

15. Righteousness by Faith

16. Supreme Goal in Life

17. Sin

18. Repentance

19. Made Under the Law

20. Christ’s Nature

21. How Christ Bore Our Guilt

22. How Christ Was Tempted?

23. Christ’s Will

24. Christ can succor anyone?

25. Victory Over Sin and Self

26. Sanctuary Truth

27. Cleansing of the Sanctuary

28. Perfection of Character

29. Faith of Jesus

30. Perfectionism

31. Our concern

32. Corporate Guilt and Repentance

33. Believing God's Love

34. Unity

35. Sentimentalism

36. Our Commission

37. Why the Delay?

38. Why hasten His Return?

39. Consensus vs Truth

40. Old and New Covenant

41. The 1888 Message

42. A Message From the Bible

43. An Inspiration of the Holy Spirit

44. It Is a Reality in the Life

45. The Latter Rain

46. Denominational Repentance