Fathers of the Catholic Church

   . Preface

  1. The Heathen World

  2. Heathen Philosophy

  3. The Apostolic Church

  4. The Fathers

  5. The "Epistle of Barnabas"

  6. Hermas and Clement

  7. The "Epistles of Ignatius"

  8. The "Teaching of the Apostles"

  9. Irenaeus

10. Justin Martyr

11. Clement of Alexandria

12. Tertullian

13. Origen

14. The Great Apostasy

15. The Great Apostasy (Continued)

16. The Great Apostasy (Continued)

17. The Great Apostasy (Continued)

18. The Great Apostasy (Concluded)

   . Appendix A - The True and Abiding Sabbath

   . Appendix B - Baptism in the Early Church